F. A. I.: A tale of solitary yet resilient young girls adrift in folded time

Image credit: F.A.I. Characters

F. A. I. is a fiction novel whose principal characters are named after the functionals of computational chemistry. It tells a story spanning a century, from 1919 to 2018 - the tale of solitary yet resilient young girls adrift in folded time. Theirs is a tale of not comprehending what pain is, yet intimately feeling its anguish; of souls forever trapped in the corridor between life and death.

F. A. I.是一部以计算化学中的泛函来命名主要人物的长篇小说。它讲述了一个从1919年开始、到2018年为止的跨越一百年的故事;这是在被折叠的时间中漂流的孤独而坚强的少女们的故事,搞不清楚痛为何物却又切身感受着痛苦的她们的故事,以及被永远困在生与死的隧道之间的人的故事。

To read its text: https://hk-s.pub/

Yumiao Ma

Computational Chemistry to the Heaven.